Sunday, October 26, 2008

Observations - October 24th, 2008

The overall growth in the aquarium seems more active. I think I spotted the same midge from the previous observation. He was located in the same place (the edge of the sediment). It appears much larger and everything is more defined. The insides were visible and I could even see the digestive system working. The legs were also visible and it moved in a very docile s movement. The tail also has small hooks that act like anchors, holding it to the dirt. It appears that it prefers the soil rather than the open aquarium. Cyanobacteria is located throughout the aquarium in larger amounts and is much larger than any other bacteria. They are linked together and appear to be a bluish green color. I also found Euglenoids in large amounts as well. The have green flagella and a brown interior with a red spot for an eye. The move very slowly and seam to float around with the ability to crawl. Pond scum is also abundant in the aquarium. The are distinct chains of cells with crossed, green pattered inside. The Bag Traps also seem to be more defined with long extending sensor hairs.

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